Lighting & Environment. Control the lighting and the environment surrounding <model-viewer>. This page showcases the skybox-image attribute, which links to an equirectangular projection image which is used as the skybox, and applied as an environment map to the model.
An equirectangular HDR skybox-image
Since the environment map represents scene lighting, it requires extremely high dynamic range to realistically represent either natural or artificial scenes. Traditionally the .hdr image format was used for this purpose (and is supported here), but it has poor compression. Recently, the UltraHDR image format was introduced which is backwards-compatible with JPEG, still called .jpg but efficiently compresses HDR image data. The examples on this page use UltraHDR to showcase its 10x - 30x savings over .hdr. You can use this free converter to compress your .hdr and .exr environment images - choose save as JPEG.